I’m happy and excited to premier the teaser for my forthcoming podcast, “In a Certain Kingdom.” In that podcast, I will retell famous and not-so-famous Slavic fairy tales. I’ll also share why I love them so much and how they help us see and live better in the the real world.
I’m also thrilled to be working with Natalie Wilson (nwcomposing.com), who is editing the podcast and who wrote and performed the wonderful music for it.
I hope you enjoy this little tease:
I recently sent a surprise gift to my patrons at my Patreon group. They were the first to hear an excerpt from book 5 of my Raven Son series, The Throne of the Gods. And now, I’m happy to share it with you! Here you go:
Click here for an exclusive reading of chapter 5 from my new novel!
Plans for the next few months
These next few months, you can expect less blog material from me, because I’ll be doing something that worked very well for me at the sci fi workshop in Vegas. I’m digging deep.
The season of Lent is a good time to focus inward, so I’m doing that with my writing. I’m setting aside most distracting and ancillary activities, and focusing only on a few things:
- Finishing The Throne of the Gods. I’m over 25,000 words into it, and finally hitting a good stride.
- Planning my next novel. I’m playing around with some ideas, but most likely it’s going to be science fiction in the vein of The Sparrow, The Book of Strange New Things, and Out of the Silent Planet.
- Recording the new podcast. I’m most likely going to release the entire first season (10 episodes) at the same time, Netflix-style, in May or June. But if you want to receive access to each episode as it’s completed, join my Patreon. I’ll be giving my patrons exclusive access.
- I’m also practicing in public. I’m training myself in different genres by writing 2 short stories a month. I’m also submitting them to magazines, so they won’t be available to the general public unless accepted for publication. However, I am sharing some of them with my patrons. If you’re interested in reading my short fiction, my Patreon group is where you want to be.
Also, I just published a new book! It’s a collection of some of the blog content you’ll find here, newly formatted and revised for book form.

Click here to buy yourself a copy in either ebook or paperback format.
And keep an eye out either on this website or on my Readers’ Group mailing list for updates on my projects. It’s going to be a very productive year, I think!
As a lover of Russian fairy tales, I’ve done a lot of work reading, researching, and making these tales accessible to readers. Today, I have a special invitation for you — I want to offer you a “Passport to Russian Fairy Land”!
In this free essay, you’ll learn all about:
- The pre-tale, or introductory line, that sets up Russian fairy tales
- The meanings behind cryptic fairytale phrases (like what to do when you’re faced with a “wolf’s meal”)
- An introduction to the infamous Baba Yaga herself
Just enter your email and I’ll send your passport: