What does it mean to be human? How do we interact with the Divine or find meaning in a universe that sometimes seems completely devoid of meaning?
It used to be that fantasy was the genre that most aptly responded to these monumental questions, yet I’ve realized that this is no longer the case!
I’ve found that it is actually the contemporary, secular, anti-Christian storytellers who are doing the best job right now at being honest and compelling about the questions of man’s encounter with the unknown, the Divine, the transcendent.
Resources mentioned in this episode:
Orson Scott Card’s Homecoming series
Bari Weiss’s Article on Hollywood

Just for fun, here’s a bonus! Enter your email and I’ll send you a short story of my own. “The Erestuna” is a comic fantasy short about a hapless seminarian, a possibly predatory mermaid, and a bunch of crazy Cossacks.