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From a Big Five publishing contract to the Wild West of Indie Pub
Katherine Bolger Hyde is one of my heroes. When I just started to get serious about my writing, she was a helper…
Why Becoming a Storyteller May Be the Most Important Thing You Do in Your Life
In my latest video book review/cultural rant, I consider an odd shift going on in popular culture. We’re not longer telling the…
5 Graphic Novels You May Have Never Heard of (but should read)
Last week I restarted my Q&A series with authors both traditionally and independently published. My guest was the author of a recent…
My Recommendations for Literature of the Imagination
My recommendations for literature of the imagination (fantasy and sci fi)
Monsters from Slavic Mythology, Part 1
Part one of an illustrated bestiary of Slavic monsters and mythical creatures, some of whom you will recognize from my novels.
Filling the Creative Well
The well of story is deep beyond reckoning… Someone once said that there are only two stories in the world, really. The…