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Don’t blame the Byzantines: Why does Russia have such problems?
One of the early readers of my first novel complained that I had too many adjectives in my writing. He was absolutely…
What do the most popular Russian insults actually mean?
Something a little less serious this week for your reading pleasure. I found a rather absurd little article about the historical origins…
The Curse of the Murdered Prince Dmitry of Uglich
Several episodes in Russian history are so fanciful that they read like novels. One of the more mysterious and interesting is the…
The Coronation of Nicholas II: Triumph and Tragedy
The problem of ideal government has bothered people for millennia. Perhaps until very recently, some people might have considered this problem to…
The Path of the Artist: remembering the art of Pavel Ryzhenko
As a writer, I find myself as inspired by painters as I am by other writers. One of my favorite artists is…
Cover Reveal: The Song of the Sirin
Well, here it is! The cover reveal for The Song of the Sirin. Designing your book’s cover is such a tricky step in…