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In a Certain Kingdom: Just Like Salt and Baba Yaga
Today we’re happy to share two shorter stories, one called “Just Like Salt” and the other the return of everyone’s favorite villain:…
Fantasy For Our Time: The Last Kingdom and The Green Monk (Portrayals of Pagans vs Christians in Pop Culture)
I’ve noticed a trend in entertainment recently. It seems as though some strange anachronistic lens has been placed over history regarding faith…
Fantasy For Our Time: When the Movie is Actually BETTER Than the Book
Today, I continue my examination of time in fantasy and sci-fi literature. What is time? Is it a line, a circle, or…
In a Certain Kingdom: The Tale of Vasilisa Mikulishna
This week we return to the world of mythical Kiev for another tale of the bogatyrs and… their wives? The Tale of…
Fantasy For Our Time: Time and Identity in Fantasy Literature
Today, in this old recording from 2019, I present an honest look at the concept of time as I reflect on a…
Fantasy For Our Time: A Conversation with Bestselling Author Christian Cameron
Here’s another throwback episode where I have an absolutely fascinating conversation with my friend Christian Cameron. Together we discuss a wide swath…