- Publisher: Waystone Press
- Available in: Paperback, Kindle
- Published: March 13, 2018
A land destroyed by war. An army of giants on the rampage. Can a crippled 16-year-old girl heal the world before it dies?
All Khaidu wants is her own hunting eagle, but her world has no place for a girl hunter, much less a crippled one. But Khaidu has a secret: mastering the ancient magic of eagle-binding, she captures the largest eagle her tribe has ever seen, only to discover that the eagle is a dying queen under an enchantment.
Khaidu’s binding unlocks an ancient curse, and the bond between eagle and hunter shatters. Desperate to find her eagle, Khaidu braves monstrous beasts and an army of shape-shifting giants.
But the cost of her quest is greater than she imagines. If Khaidu cannot save the queen in time, the world itself will be lost forever.
Inspired by the Russian fairy tale “Finist the Bright Falcon,” The Heart of the World is a sweeping tale perfect for lovers of classic fantasy and creative twists on myths and legends.
Buy The Heart of the World to find out what happens next in the Raven Son epic fantasy series!
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“Like the first two books, this book has a FANTASTIC pace— it moves from scene to scene breathlessly, with action and interest. There were plot twists that surprised and delighted me, two of which have stayed with me since I finished the book, making me think. No spoilers here though, you’ll have to read it for yourself. :-)” – “Tess”
“I couldn’t wait to read this third installment of Nicholas Kotar’s tale of Vasillya, and I was not disappointed! The characters and their “threads” are expertly woven into a tapestry of surpassing beauty, complexity, and depth; each warp and weft combining into a pattern richer and stronger than the individual yarn would seem capable of making.” – Katherine Tolf
“Wow – the series keeps getting better and better! Not only did the author keep several story lines going (the seemingly cursed and worn out healer, the cripple shaman and were-wolf mother, the broken and power-mad war leader, the tragically flawed prince, and the sleeping beauty princess), he brings them together into a climax that was so unexpected (and perfectly obvious) that I couldn’t decide whether I should laugh or cry. Well done!” – Anthony Perkins