This week has been even more distressing than usual. And it’s been a pretty distressing year. Frequent terrorist attacks, a …
Continue Reading about Heroes from Slavic Mythology: Ivan the Idiot (or the Genius?!)
This week has been even more distressing than usual. And it’s been a pretty distressing year. Frequent terrorist attacks, a …
Continue Reading about Heroes from Slavic Mythology: Ivan the Idiot (or the Genius?!)
The Story of My Novel Part I In a psychedelic cafe in Schiphol airport in Amsterdam, a Sirin came and sang to me. (well, …
Continue Reading about How to Self Publish a Book: The Story of My Novel
You know that scene in Godfather II where young Vito is given the last name “Corleone” by the American border guard, only because …
Continue Reading about The strange tale of how Napoleon’s soldiers became Cossacks
One of the early readers of my first novel complained that I had too many adjectives in my writing. He was absolutely right; I was …
Continue Reading about Don’t blame the Byzantines: Why does Russia have such problems?
Something a little less serious this week for your reading pleasure. I found a rather absurd little article about the historical …
Continue Reading about What do the most popular Russian insults actually mean?
Several episodes in Russian history are so fanciful that they read like novels. One of the more mysterious and interesting is the …
Continue Reading about The Curse of the Murdered Prince Dmitry of Uglich
The problem of ideal government has bothered people for millennia. Perhaps until very recently, some people might have considered …
Continue Reading about The Coronation of Nicholas II: Triumph and Tragedy
As a writer, I find myself as inspired by painters as I am by other writers. One of my favorite artists is Pavel Ryzhenko, who …
Continue Reading about The Path of the Artist: remembering the art of Pavel Ryzhenko
Well, here it is! The cover reveal for The Song of the Sirin. Designing your book's cover is such a tricky step in …
Tomorrow is a great day. Not only is it "Love a Tree Day," but also "National Sea Monkey Day." I don't know about you, but when I …
Continue Reading about One month left until I self publish my first book!
My first novel The Song of the Sirin imagines a strange scenario: what if the early Russians were the chosen people of God? What …
Continue Reading about “Moscow is the Third Rome”: a pivotal moment in Russian history?
Ask pretty much anyone what is the one pop-cultural event that they’re waiting for more than any other. What do you think they’ll …
Continue Reading about Fantasy for our time: my writer’s manifesto
Refugees have been on a lot of people's minds lately. First it was the waves upon waves of refugees escaping the horrors of …
Continue Reading about Nicholas II, the Armenian Genocide, and Donald Trump
As much as my stories are traditional historical fantasies set in a mythical early Rus, the events and characters are equally …
Continue Reading about Radonitsa: How Russians Give Joy to Their Dead
The Scourge of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler My rating: 4 of 5 stars I think we're living in an interesting moment for the …
Continue Reading about The Scourge of Muirwood by Jeff Wheeler
This week we're continuing the theme of "the invisible world in Slavic mythology." After the hero has passed the trials of Baba …
Continue Reading about Villains of Slavic Mythology: Koshchei the Deathless
It seems everyone in the US is (justifiably) getting riled up over the impending demise of the National Endowment for the …
Continue Reading about Medieval mystery: who really killed Boris and Gleb?
Russians generally have a bad rap as being dour and grumpy. Some Russians will even agree with this characterization, making a …
Continue Reading about Maslenitsa: the meaning, history, and traditions of “Russian Mardi Gras”